Blair Murphy

COLUMBIA, Mo 10/18/24 (Beat Byte) -- A long-time member of the CrimeStoppers board of directors, Blair Murphy has announced his candidacy for Mayor of Columbia. 

Murphy is the third declared candidate for the April 2025 election, including Tanya Heath and incumbent Mayor Barb Buffaloe

"I am excited about the opportunity to bring a fresh perspective and new leadership," Murphy explained in a press release on his Facebook page. 

Among the 264 comments praising the announcement, "I can think of no one more qualified and passionate about such a post," said Bob Pierce.  "CoMo would be blessed my friend."

Murphy's top priority is crime and public safety.
“As a member of the CrimeStoppers board since 2016, I have been surprised by the types of crimes being committed in our city,” said Murphy. “I think the average person has no idea what’s really happening on the streets of Columbia." 
Murphy's other priorities include updating and replacing Columbia’s aging infrastructure; and addressing firefighter and police officer compensation and pension plans.
Married for 25 years, Murphy and wife Melissa have two daughters, Maddie and Molly.

A 54-year Columbia resident who attended Columbia Public Schools, Murphy has served both sports and social service non-profit groups including Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Daniel Boone Little League, the Sophie Cunningham Classic, the Norm Stewart Classic. and the Food Bank of Central and Northeast Missouri (picture above).

He and Melissa are co-owners of Johnston Paint and Decorating.

Murphy plans to hold a press conference in the coming weeks to "address my priorities and plans for making Columbia a stronger and safer community," he explained in the press release. 

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