COLUMBIA, Mo 8/16/14 (Beat Byte) -- Contrary to public statements from Columbia City Council members and city officials, the Opus Development Group
does not have the "right" to build a downtown student apartment without special approval from the City Council that citizen petitions have twice quashed.
What's more, downtown Columbia
does have infrastructure shortages serious enough for city staff to deny multiple large projects.
The surprising admissions appear in a June 24 email from Columbia city manager
Mike Matthes to Council members trying to answer a question from 4th Ward resident
Jean Blackwood. Opus Group attorneys included the email in a court filing that challenges a temporary restraining order issued against the student apartment last week.
Oddly enough, Matthes' email
contradicts a sworn statement in an affidavit from Opus exec
Joseph Downs that accompanies the filing: "A development agreement is
not required for a developer to proceed with a project."
do have infrastructure shortages downtown and staff has
been rejecting any project which needs an increased amount of electricity for nearly a year now," Matthes wrote. "However, our system of governance allows property owners to
appeal to the City Council for permission to build after receiving a rejection from staff. When a builder makes a compelling case,
Council is allowed to approve (and has done so) development projects. Collegiate Housing Partners, Opus and The Lofts are examples of projects that were rejected by staff and later,
approved by Council."
Matthes claims his staff
has also rejected the American Campus Communities 700-unit student apartment planned for the area around Providence and Stewart Roads. Council approval for that project is pending.
To approve a development after staff rejects it, Council demands developers "pay for the infrastructure they need
plus pay for system improvements," Matthes explained, citing "
off-site water and sewer lines, and larger off-site
infrastructure issues (e.g. trunk line sewers)." The demands appear in "development agreements" that grant Council approval after the developer meets various terms and conditions.

The city manager's comments
contradict a City Hall narrative First Ward Councilwoman
Ginny Chadwick introduced at a spring press conference: that Opus has "the right to build" without Council -- and therefore, public -- approval, making the petitions moot. Mayor
Bob McDavid has repeated the line several times, most recently to KFRU radio host
David Lile.
The narrative prompted Blackwood to email 4th Ward Councilman
Ian Thomas, who forwarded her questions to Matthes.
"I'm confused. You and others are telling us that because Opus' development
conforms to current zoning laws, the city
must approve a building permit," Blackwood wrote. "Yet only a few months ago, Mr. Matthes and our Mayor said that because of infrastructure inadequacy, the downtown area would be closed to all further development....
Did that not mean they felt they had the power to deny building permits?"