COLUMBIA, 10/17/11  (Beat Byte) --  In a June Columbia Daily Tribune editorial, Landmark Bank owner and longtime downtown resident/observer Mark Landrum (left) hit on an issue of concern to central city residents worried about Ward reapportionment gerrymandering.  
At least two schemes under discussion -- Trials A and D -- would reduce central city Council representation by two votes.   
"I began to wonder if the major problem for downtown is its lack of political base," Landrum writes.  "Overall, it has few resident voters, and the city's Ward system seems to be arranged to provide political power to the peripheries."   
Downtown Columbia, Landrum explains, has "experienced long-term decay."  He blames "mis-allocation of city resources to areas and functions throughout the city significantly less important than central Columbia," including  "a bike emphasis artificially superimposed." 
Entitled District of Discombobulation, Landrum's op-ed is literally a downtown ramble that targets sacred cows many of Columbia's bankers -- among the most well-represented persons on city boards, commissions, and ironically, groups assembled to pitch tax increases -- wouldn't dare criticize in public. 
It has proven a gold mine of observations about the City of Columbia from an unlikely source.
NEXT LANDRUMISMS:  Making the central city a priority

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