"It is appropriate that, during this Year for Priests, we recall our forebears who were holy men in the presbyterate" of the archdiocese, Chicago Cardinal Francis E. George
told the Catholic New World. Father Tolton as Saint Tolton would be a blessing for the whole Catholic Church but, in particular, for Catholics in Chicago, he said.
Born into slavery in 1854, Tolton was a native of Brush Creek, Missouri, about 12 miles from Hannibal. How Tolton escaped his shackles remains a mystery of the historical record, but he eventually left for Rome, where he studied and was ordained a priest in 1886. He returned to the United States, serving around Illinois, notably in Alton and Chicago, where he died at age 43 of heatstroke.
Canonization is a formal legal process carefully conducted by canon lawyers at the Vatican that can take years, if not decades, to complete. Candidates for sainthood pass through several stages that begin with designation as a Servant of God. The Pope may later declare the candidate Venerable and, if a miracle in the venerated candidate's name is confirmed, the papal designation Blessed may follow.
A second confirmed miracle may merit the designation
Saint, but any final decrees rest entirely with the Pope.
Books on Fr. Augustus Tolton
"A Place for my Children"
"A Boy Called Gus"
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