COLUMBIA, 7/23/11 (Beat Byte) -- Columbia's
KOMU television and Star Trek star William Shatner now have something in common beyond television.
Google + -- the Internet search giant's answer to Facebook -- unceremoniously
eighty-sixed Shatner on Monday and KOMU Tuesday, prompting KOMU anchor and
Sarah Stories host Sarah Hill to post a tongue-in-cheek "obituary" for the social media site.
"KOMU News, 3 weeks old, of Columbia, MO passed away Tuesday, in its sleep," Hill wrote on her
Google+ profile page. "Memorials can be sent to the 'Tablet app for Hangout Fund.' Burial will be at 3:00 pm tomorrow in a G+ Hangout. Graveside service to follow on my profile."
"Actually we knew the KOMU news account’s days were limited as it’s a business and G+ is limiting those kinds of accounts right now," Hill wrote. "KOMU will come back when organizations are allowed back in," she wrote. "It’s not goodbye, just see ya later."