That's how local news stories -- from television, newspaper, and radio -- portrayed the National Bikers Roundup until just two weeks ago.
And though headlines are still blaring about a rash of
motorcycle thefts (
three), an over-reaction outcry may have turned the 'tude.
After hand wringing about the event with Columbia Police public relations officer
Jessie Haden last Monday, by Thursday
KFRU radio talk show host
Simon Rose was throttling back. Sprinkling his comments with the word "dodgy," Rose admitted "a bit of an over-reaction."
But KFRU host David Lile later disagreed. The week isn't over, he warned, with guest co-host Columbia cardiologist Jerry Kennett, M.D. Something bad could still happen.
2010 Harley Owners Group Rally Committee is excited about the having the rally in Columbia and hope you are too. In the hopes of allowing more H.O.G. members to participate, we have moved the rally dates to
August 26-28. Remember, All Roads Lead To Columbia!"
Good thing there's a heart doc in the house.