Don Stamper
From: Don Stamper dstamper@
To: "diana_howland
Cc: "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2011 4:25 PM
Subject: FW:  County buying Hubbell Street properties
Ms Howland   I am in receipt of an email sent to the North Central Neighborhood Association allegedly sent by you, the purpose of my email to you is to provide you with correct and accurate information and to request that you provide the facts and correct information to your list serve group.
1-    BCFR has not contacted the owner of that property but has on behalf of its publically appointed board of directors  had a discussion with the person responsible for the property (the office of the Boone County Public Administrator)
2-    It is my understanding that the property is not under contract for sale, that the public administrator has received court approval to sell the property and it will be sold at public auction to the best and highest bid, a transparent and open process which unlike some in the neighborhood I agree with.
3-    Property acquisition and or strategic plans for the properties  owned and operated by the BCFR in under the authority and policies of the board of directors , per your issues with access to their park or their future plans  that they might have may I suggest that it would be far more productive for you to contact  either the Executive Director or Board President
4-     While I have represented the agency as a licensed realtor, I am not a member of the BCFR board and your suggestion that I have any vote or official standing in the decisions on this property or future use of a property owned by them is incorrect, uninformed and misleading ( i.e. "dose anybody know what he intends to turn my neighborhood into?")  Those decisions are the sole authority of the agency's board of directors (a publically appointed body) and are carried out by their staff.
5-    Public record will confirm that I have in the past served on the board while an assigned member of the county commission and  to fill a portion of an unexpired term created by an interim vacancy. 
6-    As a point of personal  privilege I have and do believe in the services that the agency provides to the less fortunate in our community, their work is both honorable and meaningful to those members of our community who sometimes can't fight for themselves. The track record and results of this group are  nothing short of outstanding and they deserve our continued and ongoing support.
Ms Howland in closing it goes with out saying that I am not a blogger nor am I a fan of un controled list serves, particulary when I am victimised by them.
They many time's are a conduit for unbrideled mis information and operate with unchecked accuracy. I have set as my personel goal not to participate in the game of misinformation or misleading the public , I completley understand how it is done and I choose not to be a part of it. I respectivley request that you not issue any further mis information or insunations on my behalf and that you correct what has been misstated. I am always available for any questions about my professional or volunteer involvements and I can be reached anytime @573-864-
Don Stamper
A Licensed Realitor in Missouri
[Ed. note:  Mr. Stamper is not a member of the North Central listserv, and so his message to it did not post when he cc'd it.]


  1. "They many time's are a conduit for unbrideled mis information and operate with unchecked accuracy. I have set as my personel goal not to participate in the game of misinformation or misleading the public , I completley understand how it is done and I choose not to be a part of it. I respectivley request that you not issue any further mis information or insunations on my behalf and that you correct what has been misstated."

    Uh... What? Was Donnie drunk when he typed this message?

  2. "I am always available for any questions about my professional or volunteer involvements and I can be reached anytime."

    1. When were you on BCFR's board? Please provide dates.

    2. Did you suggest or assist BCFR in acquiring residential property during or after your tenure on the BCFR board?

    3. Were you paid for any such assistance?

    4. How much did BCFR pay for the residential properties it acquired on Hubbell and St. Joseph Streets?

  3. This email was sent to "provide correct and accurate information" while slamming bloggers and list servs for "inaccuracy"???

    What a hoot!

  4. I expected a much higher level of spelling for someone who has served multiple terms on various boards and commissions.


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