Ten years of classrooms struggling with heat
COLUMBIA, 9/6/12 (Beat Byte) -- "In case
excessive heat grips Columbia in the opening weeks of classes, the school district has a plan to either call off school for an entire day or to dismiss classes early."
Columbia Daily Tribune news story from 2012? No. 2010? No. 2005? No.
Try 2002 -- ten years ago.
"Reports that students were suffering heat-related illnesses yesterday at
schools without air conditioning prompted administrators to dismiss classes early today."
Also from 2002.
Heat days have intruded for years on Columbia Public Schools, even interrupting then-superintendent Phyllis Chase on her first day at work. "While things went smoothly, Chase’s first day brought heat of another kind. Schools were let out early today — and likely will be again tomorrow — because of temperatures at 100 degrees or higher," the Columbia Tribune reported
August 25, 2003.
In the "sound familiar?" category, "What I don’t understand is they have air conditioning in the offices, but why not the kids’ classrooms?" Hickman junior
Ratia Donnell said -- in 2003.
And this: "In 2002, voters approved a bond issue that included money to fully air condition Hickman High School, but that work isn’t scheduled for completion until fall 2005."
With titles like "Hot days welcome students" and "Heat continues to plague schools," and "Schools ready to battle heat," here's a blast from the past -- ten Tribune stories about heat day dismissals, 2002-07: