1)  Who Supports Trial E

2)  Who Supports Trial D (that we know about)

3)  What the Larry Grossman, Daryl Dudley, Scott Atkins Trio reminds me of

Latest Op-Ed in favor of Trial E (Kennedy, Missourian)

1)  Who Supports Trial E
The General Public, as expressed at two well-attended Ward Reapportionment Hearings:  Trial E

The Ward Reapportionment Committee, with a 5-3 vote in favor of:   Trial E

Helen Anthony, 5th Ward Councilwoman:  Trial E

George Kennedy, Missourian Columnist:  Trial E

Hank Waters, Trib Publisher:  Trial E   

Fred Schmidt, 1st Ward Councilman:  Trial E

Barbara Hoppe, 6th Ward Councilwoman:  Trial E

Mary Still, State Representative:  Trial E

Steve Calloway, Minority Mens Network president:  Trial E

Kip Kendrick, president, on behalf of Benton-Stephens Neighborhood Association:  Trial E

Jeanette Jackson-Thompson, vice president, on behalf of Park Hill Improvement Association:  Trial E

Pat Fowler, president, on behalf of North Central Columbia Neighborhood Association:  Trial E

Hank Ottinger, president, on behalf of Historic Old Southwest Neighborhood Association:  Trial E

Catherine Doyle, president, on behalf of Westmount Neighborhood Association:  Trial E

Jane Murfett, secretary, on behalf of Quarry Heights Home Owners Association:  Trial E
Annette Kolling-Buckley, President of the Northland-Parker Neighborhood Association: Trial E
Ines Segert, former school board member:  Trial E
David Rosman, Missourian columnist:  Trial E

Mike Martin, editor, Columbia Heart Beat:  Trial E
2)  Who Supports Trial D (that we know about)

Daryl Dudley, 4th Ward Councilman, who represents most of the above neighborhood associations:  Trial D
Gary Kespohl, 3rd Ward Councilman, who represents Benton-Stephens:  Trial D
Scott Atkins, WRC member and Atkins Corp. principal:  Trial D
Larry Grossman, former Add Sheet owner:   Trial D
Some people Mr. Dudley said he spoke to somewhere, but couldn't identify:   Trial D
And -- I can't believe I'm actually adding my buddy Jason to this group -- Jason Thornhill, 2nd Ward Councilman:  Trial A or D.
Here's George Kennedy on the Jason Factor:

"He told me he hasn’t made up his mind, but he’s inclined strongly toward either Trial A or Trial D. He doesn’t like E, he said, because of its impact on his current ward.  Trial A hasn’t drawn much support, so I put him down as a Trial D vote."
(In other words, Jason likes BOTH gerrymandering plans.  Oy vey!)

The Town Bosses (except Hank):  Trial D

(Watch for our upcoming "Columbia's Top Ten Town Bosses" Issue).
3)  What the Larry Grossman, Daryl Dudley, Scott Atkins Trio reminds me of
I know I'll be criticized for being disrespectful and maybe even elitist here, but I'm sorry fellas.  I just couldn't resist.  Think of it as a moving Darkow cartoon: 

Larry, Daryl, and Daryl

-- Mike Martin

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