In a recent campaign mailing, Jerry Wade claims to distinguish himself from another candidate by offering a clear choice with regard to his record on (1) sound planning/development; and (2) being free of influence from special interests/high-stakes developers.
But Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes (2004) and of City Council Meeting Minutes (2008), during Wade’s tenure on both bodies, present different facts. 

As a member of Planning and Zoning Commission, Wade voted (on 11/04/04) AGAINST the motion to deny rezoning of property at West Broadway and Fairview.   This property subsequently became the West Broadway Walmart Supercenter.

As 4th Ward City Council representative, Wade voted (on 08/18/08) FOR the Crosscreek Development.
These votes show Jerry Wade not offering the choice Columbia needs -- and that he claims to offer -- with regard to sound planning and development and supporting the interests of all.
Particularly in difficult economic times, we must have a Mayor and other elected officials who are substantially informed, experienced -- and grounded in the courage of their convictions -- to work successfully on our behalf. 
Mayor candidate Sid Sullivan offers a record of well-informed, thoughtful, successful work, a base of knowledge and experience in both public and private sectors, and thorough-going honesty. 
Sullivan’s two successful careers in the public sector (social services and corrections in Springfield, IL, and Cook County, IL) and private sector (high-profile, competitive business career with Roche Diagnostic Systems) demonstrate the capabilities he will bring to his work with and for our city.   
Sullivan offers voters the genuine choice for Mayor.
West Broadway Rezoning for Walmart Supercenter
Planning and Zoning Commission
11/04/04 Meeting, pp. 5-44. 
Crosscreek Center Development Plan
Columbia City Council  Meeting Minutes (8/18/08, pp. 15-37, B228-08)

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