"Time for a new approach"

COLUMBIA, Mo 3/12/18 (Beat Byte) -- In his  second endorsement from a major city employee group, the Columbia Police Officers Association recommends Paul Love for the Second Ward Columbia City Council seat currently held by Michael Trapp.

The two candidates will face off in the April 3 election.  Mr. Trapp has held the seat since 2012.
"After serious consideration and a thoughtful review of the voting record of Councilman Trapp, the Columbia Police Officers Association (CPOA) has determined that Paul Love for Columbia’s Second Ward Council seat is in the best interest of public safety and the community," the group explained in their endorsement. 

A Columbia resident for thirty years, Love brings "real world experience in the business community," CPOA added, "and will bring a fresh and much-needed perspective to the City Council."

Mr. Trapp, on the other hand, has come and gone from various non-profit agencies, at one time managing Phoenix House, a substance abuse treatment center.  He now appears to be self-employed, and has generated controversy for receiving contracts from agencies his Council votes benefit.  

During a meeting with CPOA members, “I’m just an ordinary guy who doesn’t like how the government is working,” Love said. “I’m trying to make a change.”

Mr. Trapp is one reason public safety funding has hit bottom, CPOA maintains, despite city government holding $320 million in cash accounts at the Swiss bank UBS. 

“Mr. Trapp’s votes on the City Council have repeatedly removed and reduced pay and benefits for our officers,” said CPOA executive director Dale Roberts.   "The CPOA agrees it is time for a new approach in addressing public safety concerns in our community."

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