Homes of offenders draw scrutiny of city council And over 100 people -- landlords, tenants, public officials, police officers, and interested citizens -- attended a December 2009 "Landlords Against Crime" summit at the Youzeum. Renting to offenders was roundly condemned, and several speakers -- including CPD Crime Free Housing director Tim Thomason -- presented on ways to screen out criminal tenants.
Ironically, Mr. Kespohl himself has been front and center on this issue. He made cracking down on "nuisance properties" a campaign centerpiece during his 2007 city council run. Touting his business acumen as a rental property manager, he warned on his campaign website against rental properties that "serve as the locations of perpetual nuisance activities" and advocated for an "improved police presence, increased enforcement of codes and the new nuisance property laws."
But that didn't square with a former social worker who worked around Mr. Kespohl's rental properties. Asking that her name be withheld from publication, she came forward during his first campaign.
"I had no idea Gary owned these rentals. When I did service coordination, this was one of the saddest areas I have ever seen," she explained. "The properties are in poor repair, and renters reported that repairs were never made. I worked with low income mothers who had gotten to the point that this was the only place they could live."
Although this story surfaced late in the 2007 campaign and made its way to the
Columbia Daily Tribune, sources there say that while
Trib reporters wanted to run it,
their news editors killed it, claiming that "every landlord has some problems with property and tenants."
But as a city council candidate, Gary Kespohl isn't every landlord, and his problem tenants stand out, so much so that one wonders how he and his family cope with the stress -- and the business risk -- of dealing with so many offenders, so much of the time.
To find out, the Columbia Heart Beat
interviewed Mr. Kespohl. Though he did not answer every question, he was generally candid, and did provide information about almost every tenant. To provide greater accuracy, we removed police and sheriff arrest records Mr. Kespohl disputed that we could not also confirm with another source, and cross-checked courthouse records at
Casenet, where in many cases the tenant profile only grew more troubling.
My name is Jason E Cox and I was a resident at 757 Demaret Drive in Columbia Missouri. My father and I rented the apartment together and the utilities were in my name. Mr. Kespohl blatantly lied with his statement that I was not a confirmed resident of said premises. The domestic dispute that occured during the time of occupancy was between my father and I. If a copy of said lease is available you will see the truth, thank you.