"I will not continue being your Council person," Councilman tells public hearing. Part 2
COLUMBIA, 3/15/13 (Beat Byte) -- Fourth Ward residents want Daryl Dudley recalled because he is a bully. That was the charge constituent
Esteban Ruvalcaba leveled in an
Oct. 2011 Tribune letter entitled "Dudley’s bullying ways justify voter push-back."
Earlier that year, Dudley recruited Republican political operative
Rob Monsees -- a former Matt Blunt staffer -- to devise a Ward map to remove
the traditionally liberal Old Southwest from the 4th Ward and
Benton Stephens from the Third Ward, placing them both in the First Ward.
Ruvalcaba didn't buy Waters' argument, instead citing a pattern of bullying behavior. "Daryl Dudley is being recalled
because of his own hubris," Ruvalcaba wrote. "With the Audubon property, the Great Hang-ups rezoning, and now with the redistricting, he has attempted to force his position with no interest in dialogue or compromise. The
bullying tactics he has employed repeatedly have finally resulted in push-back."
The effort was halted after Monsees' controversial "Trial D" Ward redistricting map failed to sway the City Council. Progressives in Columbia would have lost two votes on the Council had the map been approved, a scenario Waters himself acknowledged.
"Trial D...would move politically liberal enclaves in the Third and Fourth wards into an expanded First Ward, thus presumably improving electoral chances for incumbents Gary Kespohl in the Third Ward and Dudley in the Fourth," he wrote. "Trial D dissidents have a perfectly good case to make against the plan. It would indeed render liberal activists less effective in the Third and Fourth wards by explicitly targeting their precincts. Trial E is a better option."
But Dudley disagreed. He supported Trial D and opposed Trial E -- which left the 3rd and 4th Wards intact -- throughout the debate, a position that "really sucks in the face of rational arguments and opposition,"
Jeannette Jackson-Thompson of the 4th Ward's Park Hill Neighborhood Association, said at a public forum.
"Kip Kendrick, president of the Benton-Stephens Neighborhood Association, slammed his hand on a nearby table while he
shouted at Dudley: 'You’re going to pit ward against ward. You’re going to pit neighborhood against neighborhood,'"
the Tribune reported about the forum.
Battered over the recall effort, he also made a surprising announcement. "I will
not continue being your Council person,"
Dudley told the crowd that night. "I will still be there for you to talk to me and I will listen to you."
Though Dudley apparently reversed his resignation -- he is seeking re-election this April --
Waters predicted a bumpy ride. "If he stands for re-election in 2013, his
stars will remain misaligned," Waters wrote. "Dudley was elected with only a 36 percent plurality. Now...
it’s safe to predict trouble ahead."
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