Interim Chancellor Foley condemns
COLUMBIA, Mo 2/15/16 (Beat Byte) -- Videos of embattled University of Missouri communications professor Melissa Click, PhD. have surfaced that show her yelling, "Get your fucking hands off me!" to a Columbia police officer.
Interim Mizzou Chancellor Hank Foley condemned the encounter in a university-wide email that also referenced an earlier video of Click yelling at videographer Mark Schierbecker at a Concerned Student 1950 protest encampment on campus.
"Her conduct and behavior...are not consistent with that which is expected of a faculty member," Foley wrote. "We must have high expectations of members of our community, and I will address these new revelations with the Board of Curators."
Filmed with two police body cameras, the videos capture Click and other persons involved in skirmishes with police as they try to clear protestors at the October 10 Mizzou Homecoming parade in Columbia.
The protestors attempt to block a car carrying then-Mizzou president Tim Wolfe and his wife, Molly. Click forms a human chain with a group that includes Concerned Student 1950 hunger striker Jonathan Butler.
"We have nothing to lose but our chains," they chant, as police officers insist they move off the road.
"You made your point, guys. Let's go! Let's go! Get off the road or get arrested," an officer is heard on the first body cam video. "On the sidewalk, guys. Everyone on the sidewalk. Let's go!"
Reminiscent of her appearance in Schierbecker's now infamous footage, Click's face takes center stage as she takes on the law.
"You know what! You know what! Back up! Back up!" she yells to the cops. "There are kids in the road!"
The second body cam video zooms in on the red Chevrolet Chevelle carrying Wolfe and his wife. A silence follows as officers move back the arm-linked protestors.
"Get out of the road! Get out of the road! Thank you! Get out of the road!" they exclaim. Click is seen intermittently, hugging and shielding the protestors, front and center in the ensuing melee.
Then a whirl of bodies and faces, as Click's body and face engulf the camera as she shouts a loud "Get your fucking hands off me!" to the officer.
The last part of the footage shows Click and the students on the sidewalk as the Oscar Meyer Weinermobile slowly passes.
Schierbecker, who filmed his altercation with Click in November, now claims she has been untruthful about an important part of a story she relayed to news outlets KBIA and ABC-17: that she had no history of altercations prior to the November dustup with Schierbecker that prompted city prosecutors to file an assault charge against her.
"We need some muscle over here," was the notable line Click uttered in that video.
To quash the charge, Click agreed to 20 hours of community service.