COLUMBIA (Beat Byte) -- Over a century ago, Dr. Victor Frankenstein might have gotten away liability-free when his monster killed the doctor's assistant Igor.
Not today. Igor had a brother and now the University of Missouri School of Law’s Historical and Theatrical Trial Society will be trying the case of Igor's Brother v. Dr. Frankenstein.
Attorney Brad Lear of Columbia-based
Lear & Werts is representing the plaintiff, while Charles Henson, a visiting professor of law, is representing Frankenstein. Missouri Court of Appeals Western District judge Mark Pfeiffer will preside.
"Should Dr. Frankenstein be held responsible for the actions of his creation, or is the creature a human adult solely responsible for his/its own actions?" is one of the questions
Missouri Lawyers Media writes will be at issue. "Questions of strict liability, workers’ compensation laws and other legal issues could be raised."
Scheduled for 7 p.m. Feb. 10 in Jesse Auditorium in Jesse Hall on the MU campus, the trial is free and open to the public.