Columbia's newspapers look the other way while another blight fight rages next door
COLUMBIA, 3/30/13 (Beat Byte) -- Taking
a cue from Columbia -- and the Columbia Heart Beat -- residents of Fulton and Callaway County have mounted opposition to an EEZ/Blight proposal from that area's version of REDI, the
Fulton Area Development Corporation. Their effort joins communities around the nation fighting blight decrees and the spectre of eminent domain they raise.
"Your work on EEZ has been very helpful to me and others who are opposing the EEZ being proposed in Callaway County
," Fulton resident
Beverly Martin told the Heart Beat.
The same issues that defeated Blight/EEZ in Columbia and Boone County are front and center in the Fulton fight, including use of outdated census data, a problem revealed by Mizzou statistician Tracy Greever-Rice that REDI directors refused to recognize.
Like the Rolla fight before it, the two local newspapers and local television stations in Columbia are not reporting the Callaway conflict. Instead, the Trib and the Missourian have preferred a different story line: that only Columbia -- with its "engaged citizens," in the words of Mayor Bob McDavid -- has fought the tax incentive, property-blighting plan.
A Callaway County Property Rights Coalition has been
organized to oppose any proposed Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) in Callaway County.
Bruce Hackmann, president of the Fulton Area Development Corporation (FADC), said the map proposed last November was based on the 2000 census and no longer is eligible because 2010 census data must now be used.
FADC suspends EEZ proposalThe Fulton Area Development Corporation (FADC) has decided to suspend its application for an Enhanced Enterprise Zone (EEZ) in Callaway County.