COLUMBIA, Mo 9/11/13 (Alert) -- Kaitlyne Eileen Siebert Parrish, age 15, went missing from her home at 1622 High Quest Circle in Columbia some time between 2:00 and 3:00 a.m. today.
She is approximately 5'6" tall, weighs about 140 pounds, and has long reddish hair and blue eyes. Her complexion is fair with freckles. She is probably dressed in shorts and tank top.
She may also be using the names Kaitllyne Kappelin, Ashley Kappelin, or Aliza Andreyev.She is believed to be with a man who calls himself Paul Viktor Kappelin, approximately 40 years old. This may not be his real name. No description is available.The situation is deemed to be high risk for Kaitlyne.Please get this out in every available format as soon as possible.Thank you!Connie M. SullivanSullivan Law Firm, LLC1001 E. Walnut, Suite 100Columbia, MO 65201(573) 777-7007Attorney for Cynthia Parrish, Kaitlyne's Mother9/12/13 UPDATE MORNING:
She was originally believed to be with a man she met via the internet, but a caller has also reported that she believes she saw Kaitlyne yesterday, on foot, on Scott Boulevard between Thornbrook and Vawter School Road.
9/12/13 UPDATE AFTERNOON:Missing Child found
Kaitlyne Eileen Siebert Parrish has been found her family's attorney says. "I have just received information from Detective Steve McCormack that Kaitllyne Parrish has been found in Callaway County," Columbia attorney Connie Sullivan explained. "That is all I know at this point. Thank you all for your help!"Most Recent Picture