DudleyStanding alone -- no matter what
COLUMBIA, 4/1/13 (Beet Bite) -- Touting what some might call a "dubious" political record, 4th Ward Councilman Daryl Dudley has come out swinging against April 2 opponent Ian Thomas. 

A powerfully-worded new mailer highlights Dudley's votes for jobs, patriotism, and his decisive handling of controversial issues like the Garagezilla flagpole, the Pledge of Allegiance, and Ward Reapportionment.
Under "Philosophy of Ian Thomas" Dudley's mailer reads: "Ian Thomas prefers trails over streets." Then it leaves voters to ponder a question: "So why does Ian Thomas ride his bike on the street?"
"I think Council members need to be decisive, and stick to their guns no matter what," the flier says, under "Philosophy of Daryl Dudley."
"That's why I voted against Trial E, even when every other Council member voted for it.  Even when the public accused me of Ward Gerrymandering. Even when they tried to recall me!
"I said I wanted the Old Southwest in the First Ward -- and I meant it!"   (Trial E was the popular non-gerrymander option.)
Dudley's accomplishments keep rolling, next to Thomas' blunders.  "Ian Thomas rides a bike.  Daryl Dudley drives a car -- and supports the jobs of people who build our roads."

Speaking of jobs....
"I voted to Blight 60% of Columbia with a Resolution the city attorney said was illegal," the Dudley flier exclaims. "But I knew Blight would bring jobs."
The flier touts Dudley's enduring patriotism, next to a picture of Thomas -- who hails from the U.K. -- standing with the Queen of England.
"I stand alone for America!" Dudley's mailer reads, next to an artist's rendering of a giant flag atop Garagezilla -- and a few words from the Trib.
"'Dudley stands alone in effort to put flagpole on parking Garage' "Fourth Ward Councilman Daryl Dudley stood alone against other members of the Columbia City Council concerning a motion to install an American flag at the top of the 10-story parking garage at Fifth and Walnut streets. The vote on the motion was 1-6." -- Columbia Daily Tribune, June 7, 2011.
The flier touts Dudley's signature achievement:  Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance at every Council meeting.  A Trib photo (above) shows him standing alone once again. 
"Ian Thomas said the Pledge of Allegiance once -- when he became a US Citizen.  Daryl Dudley says the Pledge of Allegiance at every Council meeting."
Finally, the Big One. "I may be on one year's probation for selling alcohol to a minor," the flier reads. "But Ian Thomas wants to put you on permanent probation for driving a car."
"Let's put Ian Thomas on permanent probation. Re-elect Daryl Dudley," the flier concludes. "Because we need Council members willing to go it alone, no matter how many citizens put up a fight."
[Ed. Note: Author Mike Martin is a veteran U.S. military officer who flies a US flag permanently outside his home and strongly supports the Pledge of Allegiance.  Martin also believes civilian politicians should do less patriotic grandstanding, and more of the People's business.]
The Daryl Dudley Record