MatthesKilling our cost of living
COLUMBIA, Mo 9/16/18 (Beat Byte) -- Columbia residents and businesses once again face a dizzying array of utility rate hikes, roughly fifty seven in all, including thirty one individual electric rate increases; eight sewer; five stormwater; and ten for trash hauling and landfill use. The stormwater rate increases are especially steep: 25% for all categories.The annual rate hikes have been a feature of city manager Mike Matthes' budget since he took office in 2011. The hundreds of rate increases Matthes and his staff have pushed through -- some with public votes, but most via City Council only -- have helped make Columbia number one on a list no city wants to brag about: highest cost of living in the state. This year's rate hikes are so numerous even wealthy establishment types are concerned. "Brick by brick," the increasing costs are "driving building into the county," retired banker Bob Roper said this morning on KFRU's Sunday Morning Roundtable. The increases "really hit low-and-fixed income folks hardest," added co-host, Lathrop and Gage attorney David Shorr.
Coupled with the our earlier story about Matthes' 31 planned electric rate hikes, here's the rest of the list. Council members will vote on the increases tomorrow night at City Hall, where the public is invited to voice opposition or support.
2019 City of Columbia Utility Rate and Fee Increases
INCREASE the residential base fee from $12.25 per month to $12.37 per month.
INCREASE the non-residential base fee approximately one percent for each of eleven water meter sizes.
INCREASE the volume rate for all customers from $2.52 per CCF to $2.55 per CCF.
INCREASE the unit charge for BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) from $0.321 to $0.324 per pound.
INCREASE the unit charge for suspended solids from $0.220 to $0.222 per pound.
Five categories of storm water fees INCREASED approximately 25%
INCREASE the charge for multiple-family building having more than four units and single-family residences having a main floor area less than 750 sq. ft. from $1.27 per month to $1.59 per month.
INCREASE the charge for multiple-family building having four units or less, mobile homes and single-family residences having a main floor area of from 750 sq. ft. to 1,250 sq. ft. from $1.66 per month to $2.08 per month.
INCREASE the charge for single-family residences having a main floor area of from 1,251 sq. ft. to 2,000 sq. ft. from $2.25 per month to $2.81 per month.
INCREASE the charge for single-family residences having a main floor area more than 2,000 sq. ft. from $2.64 per month to $3.30 per month.
INCREASE the charge for all non-residential uses of developed land from $7.81 or $0.078 per 100 square feet of impervious area, whichever is greater, to $9.77 or $0.098 per 100 square feet of impervious area, whichever is greater.
INCREASE the charge for front loading compactor boxes from $23.17 to 24.51
INCREASE the charge for full-sized compactor roll-off containers from $52.00 to $55.00 per ton
INCREASE the charge for full-sized non-compacted roll-off containers from $52.00 to $55.00 per ton
INCREASE the charge for mini-sized compactor roll-off containers from $52.00 to $55.00 per ton
INCREASE the charge for mini-sized non-compacted roll-off containers charge from $52.00 to $55.00 per ton
INCREASE the charge from $52.00 to 55.00 per ton, or any fraction thereof.
INCREASE the charge for any vehicle one ton or larger and trailers with dual wheels or more than one axle from $132.74 to 140.40.
INCREASE the charge for noncompacted roll-off boxes, trailers greater than eighteen (18) feet in length and trucks with haul beds greater than eighteen (18) feet in length, from $265.56 to 280.89
INCREASE the charge for compactor trucks and compactor roll-off boxes from $23.17 to 24.51
INCREASE the charge for grease trap waste disposed at the landfill from $24.80 to 27.86 per ton, or any fraction thereof.
INCREASE the residential base fee from $12.25 per month to $12.37 per month
INCREASE the non-residential base fee approximately one percent for each of eleven water meter sizes
INCREASE the volume rate for all customers from $2.52/CCF to $2.55/CCF.
INCREASE the charge for sludge wastewater treatment plants and stabilization ponds from $0.048 per gallon to $0.049 per gallon.
INCREASE the charge for other liquid waste from $0.091 per gallon to $0.092 per gallon.
INCREASE the charge for treatment service from $12.25 per load to $12.37 per load.