Offers new options for people with celiac disease and dietary restrictions
COLUMBIA, 1/5/12 (Beat Byte) -- One of the most frustrating diet-related illnesses is celiac disease, which prevents consumption of foodstuffs with a common, wheat-related protein called gluten. People with celiac disease can be thrown into a world of bland, hard-to-find foods unless they have help -- and a good baker.A new gluten free bakery in Columbia -- Senza Gluten Free Foods -- offers fresh, made-from-scratch breads, cookies, cakes, pies and other baked goods "senza" (Italian for "without") the gluten -- a big no-no for people with celiac disease, a hyper-sensitivity to the common protein found in wheat.
"Gluten-free foods can be tasty as well as safe for people who cannot tolerate gluten," said the bakery's owner and founder, Mary Manulik. "I’ve been doing gluten-free baking since 1993, when my husband was diagnosed with celiac disease. I want to share the gluten-free desserts I’ve prepared with people who are new to celiac disease and don’t know where to begin."
Gluten-free baked goods are offered in grocery and health food stores, but Manulik saw local demand for fresh-baked gluten-free desserts without preservatives -- and without any potential for cross-contamination. She keeps cooking and baking pans, utensils, counter-top appliances, and work surfaces completely separate from anything that mixes or contains wheat flour.
The Columbia Farmer’s Market carries Senza gluten free foods in Columbia and they can be ordered online at Local delivery is available for $10.