Editor, the Columbia Heart Beat:
I know a person who works for the Boone County Sheriff's Department and in that capacity has regular interactions with inmates in the Boone County Jail.
This person told me that when one of the numerous Columbia punks has a court date in Boone County, supporters of the punk attend the court session dressed all in black and wearing ski masks and knitted caps (watch caps); and that, when the judge orders them to remove the masks and hats, they do so and then, as things proceed, put them back on.This sounds fantastic to me, but the person telling me this information is well known to me, and the person is normally reliable.Have you ever received any information that would corroborate this report, at least in general? I just cannot believe that individuals dressed as this person described would even be admitted to the courthouse, much less permitted to sit in courtroom galleries and behave in a manner that seems designed to try to intimidate other people.I plan to discuss this information with my friend again and try to get more information about the source and will update you accordingly.
George RickersonColumbia